Good Medical plans
There is an old saying: the doctor treats, nature heals. We know that nature, or a life energy of some sort, heals, so what is our doctor actually doing? If we think about it, we realize that the medico is endeavoring to "help nature along." He or she is trying to assist in a life energy healing by, for example, putting a broken femur into a splint so its ends line up, thus allowing nature to do its work more efficiently.
This seems obvious. We physically help nature to proceed with what we know it will do: bring about our physical healing. We can readily appreciate this with physical healings, but when it comes to healing with mind, we're filled with doubt. Can we heal with our mind? Is it possible? It is. But as with bringing parts of a broken bone together so they'll knit, so we have to bring two parts of ourselves together to bring about the desired mending.
So what are these two parts? And what is broken, anyway? The two parts are our real self and our imagined self; the "I" and our ego. Is this mind of ours broken? Is that what's causing us trouble? And what is this nebulous thing called mind? Nobody really seems to know.
Maybe we don't need to know. At least, not to fix up our particular problem. And I don't have the space to go into that now with this short article.
Healing with Mind - Emotions Affect Upon Our Body
Every thought that has ever arisen in our consciousness- yes, every thought- has an emotional aspect to it. It could be so slight as to be regarded as negligible. For example, we might do a simple sum of arithmetic and the emotional aspect of that could be counted as naught. It would be like a line drawn with a finger in water, gone before it even had time to register.
Then again, the effect could result from thoughts in a conversation: a line drawn in sand or in the dust, which is quite rapidly blown away by the winds of time. We have a myriad of these, and unless the emotional reactions to these experiences were strong, they have little effect on us.
On the other hand, it could be a reactive thought, saturated with heavy emotion! This is like a mark chiseled deep into granite! It stays with us all our life- unless we take steps to remove it.
Every Thought Registers.
Every thought we have registers immediately in our physicality. They register as a reaction, a reaction our conditioning interpreted as pleasant or unpleasant. Where thought and physicality meet we have emotion. You could say that thought arouses an emotion on or in the body. If someone insults or slights you, it is regarded in our society as normal to feel an unpleasant reaction as our anger mounts. We might say that we are lost in and become that anger. Generally, our attention is on our automatic response, perhaps an angry rebuttal. But whether we feel the reactive sensation or not, it is there.
Let us take the example of something very strong emotionally whereby you can readily accept that this phenomenon occurs. Your fiancée unexpectedly jilts you. You hear the news that someone very dear to you has been killed. You come home to find your house has burned down. The reactive emotion hits you like a fist striking your solar plexus. The feeling might last for only a second or two, then your mind goes into its automatic response of self-talk, woe, tragedy, and this self-talk, along with its accompanying feelings of denial, anger, sorrow goes on for a long time.
Eventually, the sadness of the occasion fades from our consciousness. It's still there in memory, of course, and we can readily recall it. And quite often its memory arises spontaneously when something triggers it, such as on song, a scene, or someone saying something that reminds us of it.
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